Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to Armed with Lipgloss and Powertools

Hi there everyone and welcome to my new blog!! I have been a stay at home mom for the last 4 years, 3 of which I spent living the military life in the amazing and beautiful countryside of Germany. We lived in a very small little town, high in the clouds about an hour away from the border of France. Life there was simple, laid back, easy and COLD! Hubby and I are both from Texas so fall and winter (which pretty much lasts year round) kicked our butts. After a few hundred pieces of papers were signed my husband reenlisted and now we are out of Germany and back in the lone star state. I am glad to be "home" but definitely miss the peaceful life we had in Germany. There is no hustle and bustle there, shops close in the middle of the day so people can have time to rest and they are WAY beyond us in the living "green" catagory. Being crafty in Germany was definitely a challenge though because well there just weren't a whole lot of places to shop for supplies within an hour of where we were. So now that we are back in the states and I have plenty of stores to shop at it's time to get armed with my lipgloss and powertools so I can tackle all my pinterest pins. I will be doing at least one craft or building project every week and will be keeping it as low budget as I can posting pictures and instructions to go along with it. We bought our very first house right before we left Germany without ever stepping foot in it so I now own all the walls and floors so I can do anything I want with them. This idea is very scary for my husband because I have BIG dreams and a very small budget but he is happy we are making this OUR home and proud that I have set out to do all the projects DIY style. I hope you enjoy all my upcoming posts and find something that may be helpful and inspiring to some of you as well.

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