Friday, September 28, 2012

The Monster Squad

I don't really have much of a tutorial on this one because I just kind of went with it and wasn't sure what I was doing until it was done but you'll get the drift. I originally saw the idea here

I started with a pallet and just cut boards out between the middle and side support runners. 
I sure do love when I get to use my power tools ;)
and once your done with the cuts you will have the pieces that when put together will look something like this.
From this point on is where I kind of got caught up in the moment and didn't get any more pics until it was just about complete so I'll just explain how it got from this to.......
THIS! I painted each board with acrylic craft paint on all sides. Next I used a pencil to draw on the faces (no template for this just made it up as I went along). Once I was happy with the pencil drawing I used more craft paint to paint on the faces and details. I then used some appropriately sized screws and screwed each board from the back side through to the front black board. Make sure your screws are long enough to go into both boards without puncturing through the front. I cut strings of yarn and braided them together for the witches' hair. The braids and the bangs were glued to the top of the board using hot glue. Her hat I blindly cut from a piece of craft foam, it has two pieces for the front and back. I glued the front of the hat in place with hot glue, then lined up the back and glued it down too. Once the front and back of the hat were in place and lined up I ran some hot glue around any edges that I could pinch together and close up. For the pumpkin I cut some leaves off of a fake flower bundle and glued them on, I added a tree branch chunk for a stem at the top to but haven't taken a pic since I put it on. For the final step I made some puff paint letters like I did in my "Speak your mind with blocks" tutorial. Those along with some scrapbook paper were mod podged onto the base board and ta da! my monster fam bam is complete.

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