Friday, September 7, 2012

DIY Dish washing detergent that really works

Since my homemade laundry detergent turned out so fabulous I decided to try a recipe for some dishwasher soap. I have done 2 loads so far and dishes are coming out clean and sparkling. The recipe for this will do about 110 loads using 1Tbsp per load. You place it in your detergent pocket just like you would any brand of product. Here's what you need for it:
Home made Dish washing Detergent:
2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda
12 oz Lemishine (use the whole thing)
1 cup kosher salt
The total cost to make this was just under $13 for about 110 loads
The best part though is that when you need to make a second and third batch you only need to purchase the LemiShine because there is lots of the other ingredients left over from the first batch. That means that for around $20 you will actually get about 330 loads!!!!

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