Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Homemade Laundry Detergent

So today is all about my washer. I am currently using a homemade trick to cleaning my HE washer and when it’s done I am heading to the store to buy all the ingredients necessary to make homemade laundry detergent. I have been wanting to try making the detergent for the last year or so but we did not have access to the right soap needed in Germany. The laundry pile is getting big and I ran out of soap 2 days ago so yup it’s the perfect time to do this J I’ll let you know how it goes and here’s the recipe I’ll be using.

Armed with supplies and helpers

My neice and daughter were so excited to take turns with the grater until they learned how quickly their little arms got tired lol.

Yes it looks like shredded cheese but that is both full bars of soap finally done

We layered everything in our big bucket, got elbow deep and stirred it up and TADA it's done. I bought the little pyrex shot glass because it has 1-2 tbsp labeled on it which is all you need of this stuff per load.


I have been using this detergent for about a month now and hands down it is the best I have EVER used on our clothes. I love how clean they are, they smell devine and since it already includes fabric softner I also no longer need dryer sheets so I am saving even more. Here are some of the pictures from the process of making it. It was very easy to do and I have no doubt this amount will be lasting me at least a year since I have barely put a dent in it.


  1. How did it compare cost wise to make it vs. a giant thing of liquid Tide (which lasts me about 2-3 months)?

  2. Total cost is under $30 for all the supplies and it will last from 9-12 months. Plus a savings of about $3-$5 a month of no longer needing dryer sheets.
