Monday, October 1, 2012

Trash Can Chandelier

Trash Can Chandelier.....did you ever think you would see those words all put together describing something actually pretty lol. A couple of months ago my daughter went to her Grandma's house for a week, when she returned our household goods had arrived from Germany and I (the most awesome mom ever that I am) had transformed her entire room into a black, white and pink Parisian themed oasis. She had no clue any of this was going on until she arrived and opened her door. I painted the walls, added chair rail, bought her a new dresser (and refinished it) and built her a shelf with storage bins. It was a MASSIVE project that I just finished in the nick of time for her homecoming. This is the transformation and big reveal pics of her room (minus the bed skirt which I had forgotten to put on but you get the point).



I built that ;)

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uh hmm dresser needs another coat of paint
The room was a HUGE hit with my daughter, family and friends but one word came up a lot (actually it's two words but one name) HOBBY LOBBY! Yes despite that fact that I had built the storage bin shelving, refinished the dresser (which was hideous before), refinished that end table and painted the entire room all you could see on the walls was that I went on a major shopping spree to H. L. for decor. Now I love me some Hobby Lobby but in this case I loved it a little to much so I returned half of the stuff.
Oh and I know what your thinking right now "Where the heck does the trash can chandelier come into the post!" The answer is right here, right now!

I found this wire trash can at the Dollar Tree and decided with some sprucing up it could be perfect in my daughters room as long as it's hanging from the ceiling not sitting on the floor.
I headed to where else but H.L. for the accessories I needed to make it pretty. (Anyone know where they hold Hobby Lobby addiction meetings) I found these pretty little things by they cross stitching supplies. You can buy them by the yard like you do fabric, in fact you take them to the fabric counter so they measure and cut it for you. I bought 1 yd. at $4.99 a yard which was the regular price so I then used a 40% coupon on it (go me, go me, go me) 
I already had a small mirror in the shape of a B which is the first letter of my daughter's name so I knew I wanted to try and use that in some way. I decided to hang it from the center inside the trash can which meant I needed something to dangle it in there with. In comes the shiny jewelry making bead department. I hunted for AWHILE because most of the beads were very expensive and none were very 8 year old style friendly. Finally I found the perfect ones and they were only $1.99.

The one on the right. IT'S PERFECT!
and so is the price on it!

So now that I have the supplies I hot glued my beaded ribbon around the edge of the trash can. Then I tied my string of beads to the mirrored "B". I removed some of the beads from the string so that when I tied in the center of the inside of the trash can the "B" wouldn't hang to low in there. I got a cheap chain, mine actually came off of one of those coconut planters from Wal Mart which was on clearance for $1.50. Lastly I hung it from a small hook in the ceiling.
And there you have it a trash can turned chandelier!

This posting nor any part of my blog is endorsed by Hobby Lobby, but it should be ;)


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