Wednesday, October 17, 2012

HELP ME! Design my Daughter's "New" Dresser

Hi there friends and loyal followers!! Today I am doing the first of many DIY projects I have planned were YOU will help me make the design and color choices!! That's right I am asking for some help in some of my furniture makeover projects and I want that help to come from you guys. Today's project is this.....

I bought this dresser because when I moved my master bedroom around for the third time I accidently broke my dresser into a lot of pieces (oops). I kind of bought this blindly which is a mistake I will never make again. I knew the person selling it and saw a picture of it and in the pic it looked like it was in GREAT condition for $60 so I was sold. I sent my husband to pick it up and since he has been very impressed with some of the makeovers I have done so far he figured I knew what I was getting into and went ahead and brought it home no questions asked. Well when I saw it for the first time in my garage I discovered it is a hunk of junk. All the drawers need work, it smells like cigarettes and there is a TON of writing on the top of the actual dresser part. This is by far my worst investment yet BUT I am in $60 already so HAVE to make it work.
Originally like I said I bought this for myself since I broke mine but my daughter fell in love with it so now I took her dresser and I will be making this over for her room. Here's where I need your help, here's some pics of my daughters room if you don't remember it from previous posts.

As you can see her room is black, white and a couple shades of pink so this giant white and yellow thing is not working on there. Here are the two paint options I have come up with so far....

Option #1-Make all the areas currently white actually white again. Paint all the yellow areas the same light pink that is on her walls. On the top three drawers that have the swirly detail, paint the border around that detail area black (like a picture frame). Geez I hope this is making sense to you

Option #2-Paint the dresser base, hutch top trim, the yellow area around the mirror and outsides of the hutch black. Paint the hutch shelves and backboard behind the shelves and drawer fronts pink.

Option #3-I need an option 3 so if you have more ideas please throw them at me lol.

Voting starts now and will end at 1pm today since that is when I get the kids from school and pass a Sherwin Williams which is where the paint will be coming from.


  1. Paint it black!!!! Then use white handels. Use the pink in her walls for the part with the mirror ( the wall part) .

  2. I say paint it all black. The back panels on the shelves pink and the drawer "knobs" pink.

  3. i say paint it the detailing on the top drawers in white and the backs of the shelves by the mirror in white and do pink hardware..good luck :D

  4. Black will make the pink look pinker, but can also make the area the dresser is in look smaller, whereas white makes the area look larger. No matter the color you use for the hutch and dresser, I think you should go ombre with the drawer faces, like the gal did in this post.

  5. Or maybe you can modge podge some designed fabric on the back of shelves instead of just plain pink?
